News Across the Universe

Do you hear that noise...? That humming, then a rolling sound off in the distance? 15.10.2024

By Cariadast

It's his victims' heads...FLYING like Gutted Pumpkins! :shock:


Soon... BEWARE!!!


TinkerItems at TinkerTools 14.03.2024

By Khuri
TinkerIdiot has created TinkerItems on his website, a new tool to show and inspect items.

We've added TinkerItems now to our item-link selection for all guides.
Additionally if you want to use TinkerItems as default for yourself when you look up guides, you can now select it in your Profile as default. Select under "Item Links" and save your profile.

Visit and search for any items in the upper left corner search bar, as well as finding more of his tools on his website.


By Cariadast

The AO community continues to amaze in so many ways! While we have worked hard to ensure that many of your questions can be answered using Anarchy Online Universe, we revel in other's hard work for the community as well!

This week we want to celebrate and point out Reddit user Sparklyfoot released: FAFFY’S ANARCHY ONLINE FROOB GUIDE

Sparklyfoot states that it covers everything from what to do after leaving Arete, how to make money, the new bots, a leveling guide, how to gear up, and a profession-specific section.

They have also included several other resource and guide links as well as resources for a weapon guide and an IP distribution guide.

We appreciate the effort that goes into such a guide. This current guide seems more focused on RK than SL but it is well-written and organized at our first look!

Please take a look at the AO Reddit Post for any questions or suggestions and the full FAFFY’S ANARCHY ONLINE FROOB GUIDE.

Thank you Sparklyfoot for your dedication to the AO community, and great work!

Community-AOGalaxy 04.02.2024

By Cariadast
Yet another dedicated community member has created a useful tool to assist the players of AO! dyrshin has been busy working on a site to help players of Anarchy Online.

While the site is in its early stages, it currently boasts an active, informative Nanoline page located here:


Just pick your profession from the list on the left and start exploring the Nanos for your chosen profession.


The Nanoline page contains profession Nanos by categories, and provides info like:
  • Name
    • The name of the Nano
  • Location
    • Where or how the Nano can be found/obtained
  • Stats:
    • Level of the Nano
      Cast time
      Recharge time
      Nano Cost
      NCU Cost
  • Modify (known as Effects in AUNO)
    • What Skill(s) effects it provides/modifies
  • Requirements (reqs)
    • Level reqs to cast/use the nano
      Nano Skills reqs
  • Note: clicking the name of the Nano takes you to the AUNO page representing that specific nano, so if you want to double-check it, AOGalaxy makes it easy!
That's not all that AOGalaxy plans to offer. They are working on membership ability with profiles and stat setup(s) for your various character(s). There is also some consideration regarding adding an item database in the future if it is something that receives interest.

AOGalaxy is looking for both feedback and requests in an effort to make the site more useful for the community. If you have helpful thoughts or suggestions, you can drop dyrshin a line in Discord directly or leave some feedback on the Discord Anarchy Online Forum section in AOGalaxy! Nanolines

dyrshin#0680 direct message on Discord


⁠Anarchy Online MMORPG Official Discord Forum (test) AO Galaxy! Nanolines by Profession Post

Give him a shout if you have any ideas on this project that might be helpful!

AUNO / AOItems What the HECK is going on?!? 30.01.2024

By Cariadast
So, there has been some talk, and a few questions popping up on various platforms across the Anarchy Online Internet outlets. These are generally regarding what is happening with Anarchy Online Universe, the use of two popular databases, AUNO and AOItems, and changes that have been made in our usage of them.

I thought I would shortly, but with as much detail as possible attempt to address all the questions about what's happened. ( I know, I know... :shock: )

Some of you may have noticed that AOItems has been down frequently for some time now.


With AOItems being set as the default for when an item needs to be linked or referenced on our guides, this started causing issues for players. Our initial hope was that whatever was happening with AOItems would quickly rectify itself. Efforts were made to contact the owner of AOitems to get an update on what was happening and to see if we could help.

After an extended period with no replies, in November of 2023, the owner let it be known in a post on Discord that AOItems would "be more down than up" while they worked on some things. Real life always comes first, even here, so we are hoping all is well, and when things are back to normal for our beloved AOItems and its creator, we will update everyone on its status in AOU.

At that point, however, it was clear that AOU needed to find a solution until AOItems' situation could be rectified.

To do so, we started by reinstating as the default database option in December.

At first, there were some small issues:
  • The AUNO database was set to default for registered users. That was not intentional, and Khuri quickly made sure that even if the visitor was a guest to an AOU guide, it would auto-default to AUNO's database for everyone.
  • Also, AUNO had some minor item and image link issues.
  • AUNO still needed to be updated to the current patch, (as did AOItems, so little changed there).

Even with these issues, we were still able to utilize the database from AUNO on a regular, consistent basis.

To help us with some of those issues, most recently, offered us the use of their site as a way to fill in some of those previously missing images and item links. So, with the implementation of both AUNO and AOGalaxy, we are pleased to say we once again have a fully functioning guide site for Anarchy Online.

  • Note: While the AOItems drop-down option is still available, we have no guarantee the site will work if you attempt to use the link, and no estimated time frame on when AOItems might return to our default Database.

AUNO recently updated to Patch 18.8.62


now matching the current game patch version


While AUNO is now up-to-date and running smoothing on their current database, for the foreseeable future we are going to continue running both AUNO and AOGalaxy to continue to ensure a fast, and smooth guide site for our players.

A lot of steps went into ensuring AOU would be able to provide AO players with a stable, usable database, and we appreciate your patience with us.

Have fun, and stay safe out there in Anarchy Online!

We appreciate your support, and if you'd like to ensure we can continue helping you, please consider donating to AOU's 2024 AO-Universe Website Hosting campaign! You can donate one time, or monthly! Any amount helps us to continue!

To do so, simply select the DONATE button at the bottom of this page! You are why we do what we do!


Nostalgia Guides 23.08.2023

By Khuri
With the removal of the ICC Shuttleport area from the game, we've decided to introduce a "Nostalgia" section in our guides.
There you will find (outdated) guides for quests and gameplay areas that are no more, but will be kept available for the public to read through... for nostalgic effect :)

During the next days the list of guides in there might grow, as our editors comb through the guide lists.

Future of the ARK Program 13.06.2023

By Cariadast
Today Umbrols from FunCom, in the Customer Support area announced the discontinuation of our beloved ARK (Advisors of Rubi-Ka) program. You can read the details on the FunCom forums: ... ram/230929

We at AOU are at a loss for words as to why this would be happening, so the only words we can offer are THANK YOU to ALL of the Advisors of Rubki-Ka, present and past, for the dedication you showed. As well as the hard work you gave, and the unconditional support you provided to this game and its community.

Thank you for carrying the needs and concerns of the players through the years, and helping players when times called for it. AOU has appreciated and enjoyed working with you over the decades and is proud to have had a number of you counted in our staff and ranks here at AOU.

You will be deeply, regretfully missed.

We will not forget!

Update: Message from Spacequest
Spacequest — Today at 7:14 PM BST (GMT+1)

Transmission online…

I need keep quite, incase they hear me, but I saw a new Alien ship, I thought i would investigate before putting out the call to arms.

Upon entering the ship I lost all my powers and had no defence, the door shut behind me.
Quickly I ran to hide behind some strange alien containers, their I could see a new type of alien, never seen before. If I move I could be seen and disintegrated.

Oh no! I feel the ships engines starting, I am trapped!
My comms is loosing power, what is this ship.
I must say this quick before my comms fails.

This maybe the last transmission to you all.

All I can say is you are the best and I have enjoyed every moment and event with you all, I hope myself and the events team have brought you a smile into your life. I must tell you something really important before my comms fails. What ever you do don't ………….

End of transmission…

Community - TinkerTools 11.02.2023

By Saavick
The Anarchy Online community continues to amaze me with the various cool tools people create to make the game more fun for everyone.

This week the TinkeringIdiot a.k.a. FloridaMan released his latest tool called TinkerFite, which lets you enter your skills, profession, level etc and then ranks every eligible weapon in the game based on min damage, average damage per second, speed, and various other things you can choose. This should be useful for both new players ("what weapon should a level 35 froob fixer use?") and end game players ("should I use 2he or melee energy on my 220 keeper?"). Veterans can also fill in the many parameters and then share a link to the exact search with new players who might not know what exactly to look for.

You can find TinkerFite here. Also make sure to check out his implant designer TinkerPlants and dynamic nuke table TinkerNukes to decide which Nano-technician nukes best fit your skills.

You can also find TinkerTools and many other tools made over the years here on AO-Universe in the links section.
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